Friday, July 12, 2013

What are Garlic Scapes?

I may have invented a new condiment -- or seasoning.  I'm not really sure what to call it.  But the picture above is garlic scapes, shallots, and crushed red pepper flakes sauteed in olive oil.  And it was a delicious addition to the Herbed Pasta dish posted a few weeks ago.

So you're probably asking yourself, "What are garlic scapes?"

I didn't know either until a few years ago.  My wife signed us up for a share of a local CSA (Community Supported Aggriculture).  It was great because each week we would get a bag of fresh produce from a local farm.  They would let you know on Monday what to expect, and then you picked it up on Wednesday. That gave you two days to plan a menu around whatever was harvested that week.

Garlic scapes are the long green onion-looking part of garlic that grows up out of the clove.  Normally people just purchase the cloves for cooking. But the scapes are actually pretty cool too.  They are much milder in flavor, but they are really dense and crunchy.  So you can add a subtle garlic flavor, and some nice texture to a dish.

I have just sliced them up and cooked them down a little and serve them as little crunchy bits, much like a green onion.  But you can also mince them down like you would with the garlic cloves.

The best news is that I got a bunch of them for $1 last Saturday at the farmer's market in Iowa City.  I also minced up some fresh shallot and threw them both into a sauce pan with some olive oil.  Then I added a fair amount of crushed red pepper flakes and let them get a little toasty.  Then I reduced the heat and cooked them through to soften everything up.  It was kind of like a mix of caramelized onions and crushed red peppers, with a garlic flavor running through.

Then I just added the fresh parsley & thyme with a little butter.

And presto!  I added a new kick to a very simple dish that I just couldn't leave well enough alone.

There are several other uses for these little garlic scapes in addition to using them as a substitute for your traditional minced garlic.  You could pickle them, make a pesto, or salad dressing.  I just got a new immersion blender, and I'm looking for excuses to whip that bad boy out.

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