Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Fresh Cranberry Sauce

I am just now getting to this because we have been traveling. Hopefully I will do a better job this week with some updates. I have pictures, and I am trying to figure out how to upload them from this iPad.

The Mrs got into e Thanksgiving mood and whipped up this gem. I don't really care for that gelatinous blob of cranberry sauce that comes out of a can. I know many people do, but I don't. This I much preferred and I will be requesting it every year now.

Start by melting sugar and water together in a sauce pot. Then add fresh cranberries and cook them together over low heat for around 10 minutes. Then add orange zest and the juice of one orange. After it reduces for maybe another 10 minutes, add chopped walnuts and minced crystallized ginger.

The berries will break down during this process. The sauce will thicken. And you will have delicious fresh cranberry sauce that you can jar and bring to any family gathering during the holiday season.

...but be prepared to have to make it for the rest of your life.

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