Monday, January 28, 2013

Frittatas with Asparagus, Tomato, & Swiss

My wife requested that I make a frittata this week.  As I have previously disclosed: I'm an egg lover.  So I was all too happy to honor her request.  This dish is packed with flavorful vegetables, dairy, and protein.  It's really a great meal.  In fact, we decided to make it a dinner option this week.

Start by getting all your mise en place.  That will really help you with a dish like this.

Then turn on your broiler and get a 9.5" non-stick (oven safe) skillet on the stove over medium heat.  Heat 1 tbsp of butter and 1 tbsp of olive oil, and then add your vegetables.  I used asparagus, green pepper, yellow onion, and mushrooms.  Saute these for about 2 minutes with a little salt & pepper.

Next add sliced tomatoes and continue cooking over medium to medium-high heat for another 2 minutes.  Meanwhile, whisk 6 eggs with 2 tbsp of milk in a large mixing bowl.

Pour the egg mixture over your vegetables and add some cheese.  I used Swiss because I really like the sharp, tangy flavor.  Frittatas are really versatile, though.  So you can really add any number of vegetables, cheeses, or even some meats.

Let the eggs set up some, but the top should still be runny.  Then throw the skillet under the broiler and continue cooking for maybe 5 more minutes until the top is golden brown.

Let the frittata rest for 2 minutes and then serve.  You can flip the entire skillet upside down onto a plate if you use a spatula to release the edges a little.  Top it with a little Parmesan cheese and some smoky hot sauce to really round out this dish.

Yummm mmmmm mmmmm mmmmmm mmmmm!  Asparagus is a really great vegetable because it is so flavorful.  Then the tomatoes give a sweetness and acidity.  Mushrooms have that nice earthy flavor, and the peppers & onions provide your aromatics   What more could you want?

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