Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Horseradish-Bacon Dip

Need I say more?!

I was at an art's festival recently and one of the vendors had a booth with different dipping sauces he created. I sampled a few of them, but I was instantly attracted to the "Horsey Bacon" because I love bacon. Horseradish is a tasted that I have acquired over the years. So I thought this would be a really bold dip.

His company is called Epic Eateries and you can find him on Facebook. You just take these flavor packets and mix them with sour cream and you're ready to go! It's really simple and a lot more exciting than buying a dip off the shelf. (And I should tell you that I have a weakness for chips & dip.)

I first tried it with a pretzel since that was how I had it during the initial sampling. He said to use as much, or as little, of the seasoning packet as you wanted depending on how strong you want to make it. I was getting the bacon flavor, but I wanted to ramp up the horseradish. So I added about another Tbsp of horseradish sauce ... and I couldn't leave well enough alone so I added some green onions too.

I don't want to steal this guy's thunder, because he makes a good product. But I am now going to try to make this on my own. You can buy little jars of horseradish sauce at the grocery store, and there is this wonderfully awful product called "Bacon Salt" that I just adore. It is soy, though, so it's kosher, vegetarian, and vegan friendly. It basically tastes like powdered Bacon Bits, and it goes really well on baked potatoes, popcorn, or to season chicken and yes: pork chops.

I will post my home creation when I have it up soon.

This dip is great because it's rich and robust. That horseradish adds a nice spice level and the smoky bacon undertones balance it out nicely. I brought it over to some friends' house recently with a bag of potato chips and it seemed to be a big hit.

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