Sunday, March 17, 2013

Spicy Crab Stuffed Mushrooms

These. Were. Delicious.

This is something I really liked making.  Part of why I enjoyed it so much is because I got to make use of our food processor ... or "Food Pro" if you watch enough cooking TV.  It makes it really easy because you don't have to do a lot of chopping or dicing.  For example, I took a few stalks of celery and cut them into smaller pieces and in literally 2-3 seconds they looked like this:

I used celery for texture.  The recipe originally called for red onion, but my wife doesn't like raw onion taste.  And I agree that it can sometimes be overwhelming.  To the celery I added a package of crab meat, mayo, garlic, cheddar/swiss/provalone cheeses, jalapenos, Worcestershire sauce, and a little salt & pepper.  I did use some green onions so we would have at least a subtle flavor of onions.

Give that a few pulses with the food processor to chop everything up.  

Next take some larger button mushrooms or some baby Portobellos and pull the stems out.  I actually took my knife and scraped away at the opening to widen it a little further.  I wanted to be sure to get a fair amount of the crab filling inside.  I topped them with a criss-cross of cheddar cheese and added some Italian seasoned bread crumbs to my half.  (I'm just now realizing that I have sort of been on a bread crumb kick of late.  I guess I must like them.)

Pop them into a 350-degree oven for 30 minutes until everything heats through and the top gets a beautiful crunchy, golden brown.

The mayo and cheese give it a real richness, and the mushrooms are Earthy.  The peppers have a great kick that will cut through all the richness.  Ours were a little spicy; but that really helped give more depth of flavors.  Everything really worked well together.

We have enough of the crab filling left now to eat with celery or crackers.  It makes a great snack for any time.

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