Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Spicy Fried Egg Sandwich with Avocado

Inspiration can come from almost anywhere.  This dish came to my wife via a banner ad on Facebook.  She asked me, "Do you keep getting this picture with a fried egg on toast with avocados & hot sauce?  Because it looks really delicious!"

So she decided to make that for dinner this week.  It is super, super easy.  But it was delicious, let me tell you.  It sounds exactly like the name suggests. Toast some bread, fry a couple eggs, slice up an avocado, and splash on some hot sauce.  Simple. As. Pie.

(Actually, that is much easier than baking a pie.)

The avocado adds a really rich and creamy layer to a typical fried egg sandwich. And the smoky, spicy hot sauce adds a level of heat to balance the richness.

She also decided we needed more vegetables in our lives.  So we had some cucumber, radishes, and red bell peppers with homemade hummus. (See hummus recipe here.)

I'm not sure what put her in the mood for little pickles.  But that acidity was a nice touch too.

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