Sunday, April 20, 2014

Fresh, Healthy Foods

Some of you may be aware, but my wife is expecting right now. We always try to be conscious of the food we are putting into our bodies - in fact, that was part of the reason I started this blog. But now we are even more so, because it is important to us that my wife is getting proper nutrition. The above photo is a selection of fresh fruit smoothies that she made for her lunches at work. They are chalk full of blueberries, pineapple, spinach, and green tea. V8 has got nothing on my Mrs, let me tell you!

You might not even be able to tell what all this fresh produce is. But there are apples (both green & red), radishes, jalapeno peppers, fresh green beans, potatoes, spinach, sweet potatoes, shallot, bananas, ... and we weren't even half way through the produce section at that point.

It makes me feel pretty good about myself that I'm making grow-up decisions like this. Years back when I was single, I would have had a bunch of frozen snacks for a lazy man. Some of them are quite tasty; but I wasn't in very good shape back then. So I'm glad that my cooking prowess has evolved along with my taste for food. I actually enjoy cooking too; so that helps.

This is prep work (or mise en place) that I did yesterday getting ready for having our family over to celebrate Easter. I did my customary pickling of red onions & jalapenos, sliced & quartered radishes, along with carrots & celery for spinach dip. And I prepped the fresh green beans so it would make my Sunday cooking easier. Check back soon to see my glazed ham. It was fantastic!

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