Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Farm Fresh Eggs

The spring & summer bring many things, but one of my favorites is the Iowa City Farmer's Market. We were down there making our rounds and checking out all the vendors. There a several new food carts/stands this year so there are a lot of great breakfast options. This early in the season there really isn't a whole lot of produce that has been grown yet. But there are a lot of great baked goods, herbs, salsas, crafts, and some killer granola.

"Do you want to buy some eggs from that cute older guy over in the corner?"

"I've never had fresh eggs before. Yes."

My wife finds older men very endearing. And this poor fellow was shoved way back in a darker corner of the market. Thankfully we noticed he had a better spot the second weekend. And my wife said she heard from 2-3 other friends that they had also bought from the guy back in the corner.

I had never bought fresh eggs before, and in fact I had never bought brown eggs before. But I see them on TV all the time in cooking shows. And I love to support local businesses. So I was more than happy to buy eggs from this local dairy farmer. It turns out they were less than the major grocery store chain too!

Don't be alarmed by the darker color of the shells. The eggs inside are exactly what you would expect to see.

I like to steam the tops of mine very briefly by adding 1-2 Tbsp of water and then placing a lit on top. If you leave them for a little while, the yolks will actually cloud over and they will look over-easy without flipping the eggs when you risk breaking the yolk.

I chickened out (no inappropriate pun intended) and was worried I might over-cook the eggs, so my yolks never turned white. But I would much rather than than have hard yolks. The key for me was a runny yolk to drag my bagels through.

Call me crazy, but this was one of the most delicious eggs I have ever had. I was really pleased. All I added was just a touch of salt & pepper. They were really rich and I'm glad we got them from that kind old man back in the corner.

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