Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Cinco de Nachos

Corny name, I know.  But yesterday was Cinco de Mayo and I wanted to celebrate. I decided a plate of loaded nachos and a Dos Equis was about the perfect way to celebrate an arbitrary military victory as anything else.

When I was in high school we used to hang out at a friend's basement. His mom used to bring down nachos, and we thought she was the coolest mom ever. All she did was throw tortilla chips in the microwave with shredded cheese. But we thought it was amazing. This is a slight step up from those plates, if I must toot my own horn.

It starts very similarly, with an arrangement of tortilla chips. But then I added my own pickled red onions and pickled jalapeno peppers. I also added black olives and some ground meat that was already cooked. Then I added shredded sharp cheddar and let it spend a few minutes under the broiler.  That will help keep your chips crispy, where as the microwave can make them soggy.

I finished it with some sour cream and fresh cherry tomatoes. You could also uses salsa or hot sauce, green onions, or even cilantro.  I think the addition of some cool ingredients at the end plays a nice counter-balance for all the hot parts. And if you already have onions & peppers pickled, this goes together super quick. And it makes a great appetizer if you have a crowd. Just make a large platter of this and your guests will be happy for sure.

I like these way too much. I had a brief spell where I was making these far too often as a "snack" after work (in my 30's). This was my dinner; so I didn't have to feel guilty about it at all. They are basically like deconstructed tacos if you really think about it.

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