Thursday, July 19, 2012

Breaded Chicken Cutlets with Grilled Zucchini Squash & Homemade Tomato Sauce

Our friend Eric picked some lovely yellow & green zucchini squash from his garden for us, so I decided to come up with a recipe where I could grill them.  I sliced the squash into 1/4” rounds and lightly coated them with olive oil.  Then they get seasoned simply with salt & pepper and put on the grill (seasoned side down).  Season the top side as well.  They only need about 5 minutes on each side.  You can speed the process up by throwing them in the microwave for about five minutes first.  I used tongs on the grill.  And a little char is OK – we actually like it.

Then I split a chicken breast into two cutlets.  A quick egg wash and then into some wheat Italian bread crumbs.  I added a little salt & pepper for taste.  Then I spray a baking sheet with non-stick and bake for 20 minutes at 375º.

You can use a marinara sauce out of a can, but I used diced tomato, yellow & green bell peppers, garlic scapes, parsley, oregano, balsamic vinegar, crushed red peppers … and of course, salt & pepper.  Sautee the garlic with the peppers in olive oil for about five minutes over medium heat, and then add the tomatoes and balsamic vinegar and simmer over low heat until the rest of the food is ready. 

This was a hearty, healthy, fresh summer meal that is sure to please.  And it packs in the vegetables ... so you can feel proud of yourself.  Enjoy! 

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