Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Strawberry Cake

When I came home from a weekend away, I was pleasantly surprised to see this beautiful cake sitting in the refrigerator.  My wife loves to bake.  For a while she wouldn't admit that -- but I think now she realizes it's true.  So while she had some time to herself, she decided to make a cake from scratch.

"Don't ask me for a recipe, though." Is what she told me. So I can only give you some insights into how she made this gem.

She told me it was a basic cake recipe, combining the dry and then the wet ingredients. I know that involved buttermilk.  I checked online, and I found the same ingredients in a few recipes.  Basically you will use butter, flour, milk, vanilla extract, eggs, and sugar.

She baked them in two round pans and let them cool.  Then she made this delicious icing using fresh strawberries.  She pureed the strawberries raw, and added cream cheese and powdered sugar.  She said it was "more than you'd care to know ... of any of it!"  So don't expect cakes to be good for you.  (Shocker! I know.)

Put the first layer of cake down, spread some icing, and then top it with the other layer.  Cover the top and sides with your frosting.  Now this is where The Mrs was very disappointed in her efforts.  I guess the icing was fluffy and voluminous when she first made it.  Then it melted everywhere and a lot of it ended up on the dish, as you can see in the photos.

I know you "eat with your eyes first" ... but it ultimately has to hit your tongue and stomach.  And that's what was most important to me.  It was delicious.  The cake was moist and rather dense.  It wasn't one of those airy little cakes with no bite to it.  And the icing was great.  The strawberries really added a fresh element to the powdered sugar.  It was almost like a combination of gelato and frosting.

Since The Mrs was disappointed in the outcome, she says she's going to make it again.

Lucky me!

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