Sunday, August 18, 2013

Fresh Corn Salsa

We had some fresh Iowa sweet corn and I needed to find a few different ways to use it.  So I got the idea to make a fresh corn "salsa" -- I supposed you could call it a salad too. But I prefer to think of it as a salsa.

I cut the fresh corn off the cob and put it into a medium-sized bowl.  I cooked that in the microwave to soften the kernels up.  Another great idea is to use the back edge of  your knife and scrape alone the cob after the kernels have been cut off. This will squeeze out a milky rich corn extract/juice that packs some great flavor!

Then I diced a crisp Fuji apple into small pieces and add them to the bowl.  Next came some of my favorite things I've been eating all summer: pickled jalapeno peppers and pickled red onions.  The sweet, spicy, briny combination of those two things really brighten up so many dishes.

Then I added a little lime juice, a dash or two of apple cider vinegar, and fresh cilantro.

I stirred everything together and put it in the refrigerator to cool.  I was first just eating this like a salad or a side -- but then my better half grabbed some tortilla chips and started eating it by the scoopful.  Yum. What a great idea.

You can actually taste each of the apple, jalapeno, corn, and pickled onion individually ... yet they all go really nicely together.  This cool, crunchy, chunky salsa was really refreshing in the summer.  I'm going to pat myself on the back for this one.  Because it was good.

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