Monday, June 30, 2014

Fresh Orange Smoothie

We are trying to eat a little more healthy these days. My wife is pregnant and we have been making a concerted effort to eat right and get some exercise. We both eat very sensible breakfast & lunch every day. Dinner tends to be when we get the largest meal ... but then there are snacks. That is possibly my biggest dietary weakness. I have officially stopped eating after 8:30 PM as a way to limit how much I snack at night.

Normally I would love to have something like chips, mixed nuts, or even ice cream. But I usually try to get a sweeter cereal to take care of my snack craving. Sometimes I'm feeling a little more motivated and make myself a smoothie. This past week I bought some nice oranges and decided to put one to work. I loved Orange Julius as a kid; so I thought I would try to make a healthier adult version.

I wanted to get as much orange flavor as possible into this smoothie, so I zested the outside of the orange and added all that to my blender.

Zest is a great way to get an even stronger & brighter flavor from citrus fruits. Then I added one vanilla yogurt, some milk, a few teaspoons of sugar, some vanilla extract, and lots of ice. Let it blend up for a long time. I had a lazily mixed PiƱa Colada this weekend and spent the whole time wishing all those chunks of ice had been blended better. It's called a "smoothie" for a reason -- it should be smooth.

This was a bright and fresh snack, but it had that sweetness from the vanilla yogurt & extract along with a bit of sugar. I let the natural sugars and fruit flavors carry the smoothie, though. And I think it was a pretty big success.

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