Monday, June 30, 2014

Summer Grilling Season

"Ain't nothin' gonna break my stride. Nobody's gonna slow me down, oh-no!"

That's how I felt grilling in the rain recently. I had burgers, red bell peppers, zucchini, and onion all ready to be grilled. Then, the rain starting coming down.  At first I started heating up my grill pan to cook inside as a Plan-B. Those grill pans work alright. But for me that has to be a last resort in the winter. This is summer! I'm going to grill on my actual GRILL.

Thankfully the wind wasn't too crazy and the rain was coming straight down. So I pulled my grill over in front of our sliding door where it was protected by the eave of our house. I literally stood inside my house and grilled. Both the food and the cook stayed perfectly dry. I was so proud of myself that I took a picture!

Here's another example of grilling through adversity. (Maybe "adversity" isn't the right word. When a friend buys nice steaks, fresh vegetables, beers, and invites you over to grill at his house ... that isn't exactly a difficult scenario.) But I didn't have my home court advantage. And I actually really like the grill racks for vegetables. It keeps things from slipping through the cracks. So I took turns with the asparagus, and later the onions & mushrooms in between the pan and the grill rack.

See? I started out by seasoning the asparagus and grilling them.

After a while I decided the onions and mushrooms weren't cooking down fast enough so I switched them. It was a little bit of jockeying for space on the grill. But we made it work.

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