Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Fire Roasted Salsa

This could maybe be better described as “Salsa De Gallo” because it’s pretty chunky.  I did it that way on purpose.  You could always blend it up in a food processor.  But we happen to like pico de gallo. 

This is another application of some fresh produce courtesy of Farmer Eric.  (I only call him that because he’s the only person I know that has a good garden this summer during the worst draught in 50 years.)

I sliced tomatoes, yellow onion, and green pepper into large pieces.  I also cut a jalapeno pepper in half and took the seeds out (leave them in if you want it hotter).  We have an olive oil sprayer that we got from Crate & Barrel.  It’s pretty slick and it works great for grilling vegetables.  I sprayed one side of the veggies, hit them with salt & pepper, and then put them on the grill.  Then I sprayed the other side and seasoned that as well.

I let them get a good char and then flipped them over (carefully) using tongs.  Remove them from the grill and let them cool to room temperature.  Then slice into smaller chunks and add to a bowl along with chopped cilantro, minced garlic, and lime juice.  Stir and enjoy!

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