Monday, August 27, 2012

Home-Made Spaghetti Sauce

Me:  "Do you want to document this?"
The Mrs.:  "It just looks like spaghetti."

And she was right.  It wasn't a spectacular photo.  But I still think it's worth mentioning.  It rained 1.41" here Sunday -- which is amazing because we have had such an awful drought this summer.  But it also meant that we had a gloomy Sunday afternoon to be in the house.

The Mrs. decided to use some of the fresh tomatoes we got from our friends' garden.  She said she did it the old-fashioned way.  Cut an an X, boil them, throw them in cold water, remove the peal.  Then squeeze the seeds & juice out, cut them up, and toss them in a pan with diced onions and let them simmer.  Then add the seasonings of your choice.  We use garlic, basil, parsley, oregano, red wine, crushed red peppers, bay leaves, salt & pepper.

A few words of advice when it comes to pasta:  1. Salt the water.  It will add a lot of flavor.  2. Stop boiling the pasta just before it's done.  And don't rinse it. 3. Finish cooking the noodles in the sauce.  They will soak up a ton of flavor.

The house smelled amazing.  This is a time of year when a lot of produce is at it's very best ... and cheapest. So take the opportunity to make some deliciously fresh meals.  We also cubed up a round loaf of sour dough bread and mixed in green onions, garlic, provolone cheese, and melted butter.  Then throw it in the oven.  That was a nice side along with a lite arugula salad with a lemon vinaigrette.  It was delicious.

But not very photogenic.

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