Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Finishing Salts

I had a New Year's resolution to find uses for my new fancy finishing salts, a Christmas gift from my in-laws. What you can't see  in the picture above is the side where I have placed all the "white" salts. To me, these are just various sizes & textures of your classic sea salt. I still use them all the time. Several of those vials are already empty. But this side that is pictured here is a little more exciting.

My wife wanted to have sweet potato chips for dinner so after slicing them up with our mandolin (and not slicing a piece of my thumb off), I decided to get creative with the seasoning.

I tossed the sliced potatoes in olive oil and then turned to "applewood smoked" finishing salt for some real depth of flavor. It looks like pepper, but it's seasoned salt.

It was a great bacon-esque smoky and salty taste, and it paired really well with the naturally sweeter potato flavor. I could see myself using this great little seasoning on a lot of meats & veggies in the near future. This night, it literally spiced up our usual fish & chips dinner.

PS - I make my own tartar sauce. The key is adding acidity and some crunch.

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