Monday, March 24, 2014

Lemon Butter Pasta with Fresh Parsley

This is a great, quick pasta dish that's full of bright flavors. I keep saying this, but some day I will make my own pasta. In the meantime, using a fresh pasta is the next best thing. They barely need any time to cook, and the texture is really great.

The pasta basics still hold true: salt the water, cook until almost done, drain -- but do not rinse, and then finish cooking in your sauce.

These are literally only in the boiling water for about 2 minutes. Then I made a really simple sauce of melted butter, lemon zest, and fresh parsley. Be sure to reduce the heat if you are using the same pot, or you will scorch your butter and it could have burnt taste.

Lemon zest is a really great way to add some brightness and freshness to a dish. The acidity is also a nice counter-point to a rich flavor like butter. And adding fresh parsley will add another fresh flavor and some life to your pasta.  You can drizzle a little bit of olive oil at the end and it will give everything a nice shine and keep the pasta from sticking.

Top it with Parmesan cheese ... Of course, I like to top mine with a little crushed red pepper flakes for some heat too.

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