Monday, March 31, 2014

Turkey-Spinach Meatballs

This is another great idea that my wife gets all the credit for. She helps me to eat healthier. So these leaner meatballs are made with turkey, and actually have spinach inside them.  If it sounds too healthy for some of you, don't worry. There's plenty of bold flavors here so you won't even notice.

I'm going to give you all a quick lesson on dicing onions. Slice one end off, then lay it on that flat side on your cutting board, and slice it straight down the middle. Peel off the outer layer.

Then lay it on the wider flat side and make vertical slits perpendicular to the exposed flat end.  The wider the slits, the larger your diced onions will be. If you want a finer dice, then keep them closer together.

As you slice down, your onions will already be diced up for you. And don't worry if it isn't perfect. You can always cut them up a little more.

Check here for the basic meatball recipe I use.  With turkey, whole wheat breadcrumbs, and spinach these are pretty darn healthy as far as meatballs go. To take it one step further, I baked them instead of pan-frying them. I got that idea from watching a lot of food TV.

You'll notice there isn't a lot of fat that pooled up on the sheet. Then we tossed them into the warming marinara sauce and put them into some fresh buns.

Top it with fresh parsley and Parmesan cheese. Yum. (and then more yum). These were fantastic. And I didn't feel guilty at all because it was packed with healthy spinach and lean meat.

Give it a shot. I bet your family will never know how good they are for you.

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