Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Frosted Flakes-Crusted Grilled PB&J

I don't know if I could fit the actual description of this dish in the blog title. It's really "Frosted Flakes-Crusted, French Toast-Battered, Grilled PB & J"

Are you following all that?

Now that you have had some time to get a napkin to wipe up the drool on your keyboard, I'll tell you where I got the idea.  A lot of my recipes come from our monthly Bon Apetit magazine. But this one came from something much more pedestrian: an episode of Diner's, Drive-In's, and Dives.  I love that show because it showcases really tasty food without all the fuss (and cost) of the more upscale restaurants.

Guy was doing a special on his favorite sandwiches when I saw this beauty. It's really quite simple. But oh my is it good!

I have had grilled PB & J before, but I have never had it dredged in French toast batter before.  Whip up a few eggs, some cream and/or milk, cinnamon, and nutmeg.  This really is a genius idea. It combines two of the all-time favorite kids foods: French Toast and Peanut Butter & Jelly.

Set up a dredging station like you're breading a piece of meat. Make yourself a peanut butter & jelly sandwich, close it up, soak both sides in your French toast batter, and then press each side firmly down into some lightly crushed Frosted Flakes. You might need to press kind of hard to get it to stick all over.

Pan-fry them in a little butter until the outside gets a nice golden crunch to it and all the insides are gooey and warm.  Let it cool for a minute and then slice diagonally -- because that makes every sandwich taste better!

The corn flakes add some more sweetness to the party. So if you're not into something overly sweet, this might not be for you. But they also add a nice textural crunch to the outside. Then you get buttery richness, the French toast batter, and warm & gooey center.

Need I say more?

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