Sunday, September 16, 2012

Alfredo Pasta with Bacon & Cherry Tomatoes

You could make a home improvement commercial with our Sunday activities today.  The Mrs. painted our master bedroom while I handwashed & waxed both vehicles.  We were exhausted by the time dinner rolled around.  So we needed something to replenish our zapped strength.  Enter:  pasta.

I'm not the kind of person that says "everything is better with bacon".  I think it's too cliche.  And I think too many cooks use bacon as a crutch.  Now don't get me wrong, I love bacon.  Love it.  If it weren't so unhealthy for you, I could probably snack on bacon strips like a bag of chips.   

All that being said, it can add another dimension to a dish.  Bacon is smoky and salty and even a little sweet.  That's why it can compliment so many dishes.  I this instance we were using alfredo sauce.  We sliced fresh cherry tomatoes for some sweetness and a little acidity.  Then I chopped green onions for a little snap.  And we topped it with chopped bacon.  

To reiterate something I said in an earlier pasta blog:  salt the water first, cook the pasta until it is almost done, drain (but don't rinse), and then finish cooking it in the sauce.  It really soaked up the alfredo sauce and  made the noodles much more flavorful.  This way you get to eat the sauce, rather than having it left in the bottom of your bowl.

The pasta is filling, the alfredo is rich, and the tomato and bacon really round out the dish.  It hit the spot.  I also made some garlic cheese bread and a small side salad.  With that meal, and a good night's rest, we should be ready to go come Monday morning.

*A quick note on side salads.  We eat them a lot.  It's our way of getting a little vegetables when we're feeling guilty.  We just buy bag salads so you can throw them together quickly.  Then we almost always slice up some cherry tomatoes.  A nice twist that we really like is to mix in cilantro.  It really adds a new dimension into a simple salad ... for those of you who fall into the "like cilantro" crowd.  

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