Saturday, September 1, 2012

Mise en Place

Mise en place (pronounced [miz on plas], literally "putting in place") is a French phrase defined by the Culinary Institute of America as "everything in place", as in set up. (

This will really help you in your cooking.  Timing is one of the most difficult things to master when you’re cooking.  Few things will stress you out more than being “in the weeds” and trying to chop something quickly while your food is over-cooking.

Prepping your food ahead of time will really make things much smoother.  These are ingredients that I chopped up for my “Summer Vegetable Goulash”.  I had all the vegetables ready to be added along with the seasonings and other ingredients I would need.  There are all sorts of handy kitchen gadgets that will help you chop, dice, and mince.   But I’m trying to improve my knife skills -- so I like doing stuff like this.

Of course if you have a sous chef, you could leave this work for them.  But how many home cooks have a sous chef just hanging around?

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