Thursday, September 13, 2012

Loaded Baked Potato

This is another great idea for something quick when you've had a long day.  In this instance, we just got back from the gym and were both hungry after long days of work & exercise.  This is a really hearty dish that will fill you up.  Plus, it's crazy easy to make.

I actually "bake" the potatoes in the microwave.  That saves a lot of time ... and carbon footprint.  Poke a lot of holes in the potatoes and toss them in the microwave for about 6-8 minutes.  You can test how done they are by slicing into them.  If it's hard & crunchy, it isn't ready yet.  You should easily be able to cut it open.

Then start going nuts with the toppings.  Most times, we use broccoli and cheese.  Classic loaded potato toppings.  But this time I used leftover pulled pork.  I also added my pickled jalapeno peppers and some fresh cherry tomatoes from our garden.  (See previous posts for pulled pork and pickled pepper recipes.)  The green you're seeing is actually radish greens that I sauteed in a little butter with minced onion and salt & pepper.  I made another sliced radish salad for use the next night, and thought "What the heck?   Let's try these greens!"  They were pretty nice, and a little bitter.  Top the whole thing with a little sour creme and your'e ready to go.

We had fresh rolls and little side caesar salads to finish off this quick weeknight meal.

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