Sunday, September 9, 2012

Whiskey & Coke Pulled Pork

This tailgate classic combines two of my very favorite things:  whiskey and pork.  These sandwiches were so good, we had probably eaten 7 or 8 of them before it even dawned on me to take a picture.  Thankfully there was still some left, since I made 5 lbs. 

We have made pulled pork probably three times before, but this is the best they have ever turned out.  This may make some of you angry, but I trimmed off most of the fat cap.  It tends to disintegrate into this unappetizing goo otherwise.  There is plenty of flavor in this dish without it.  Trust me.  Our guests did not leave hungry.

Start with a 4-5 lb pork shoulder.  If you’re lucky enough to live in the pork capitol of the world, this is no problem.  Then I cut it into four large hunks.  This will allow the meat to be broken down easier, plus it gives you more surface area to season.  Cover it liberally with salt & pepper on all sides.

In a crock pot, quarter an onion and separate it into large pieces. Then add ½ cup of BBQ sauce, 2 Tbsp brown sugar, a can of cola and my secret ingredient:  whiskey.  Use 1-2 shots.  The alcohol will cook off, but you’ll be left with that nice smoky, oaky, caramely flavor of whiskey.  And to add even more smoky flavor, use 2 Tbsp of adobo sauce and top each slab of meat with a chipotle pepper that was packed in the adobo sauce. 

Turn the crock pot on low and let it go for 8 hours.  You may be tempted to turn it up, or open the lid to check on things, but let it go low & slow for 8 hours and you will be rewarded.  After 8 hours, take the pork out and put it onto a plate or a cutting board.  It will probably fall apart, so you will be scooping out some stray pieces with your tongs.  I poured out most of the liquid, keeping only a small amount left in the crock pot.  Then shred the meat using the tongs and a fork.  It should pull apart really easily.  Then toss it back in the crock pot, mix it with the remaining sauce, and turn it down to the warm setting.

We like to use some fresh little rolls, and serve them with pickles and mustard.  You could top them with coleslaw too.  That’s always a hit.

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